Gregory Anderson
Editorial Director, Yahoo
Study Plan: Long-form journalism and digital storytelling
Divya Arya
Correspondent, India, BBC
Study Plan: Reporting sexual violence in India
Ali ihsan Aydin
Head, Euronews Turkish, France
Study Plan: Designing a digital-native newsroom
Jason Fagone
Freelance Writer and Author, Wired, GQ Magazine, Men's Journal, New Yorker.com
Study Plan: The future of urban mobility
Kim Gamel
Foreign Correspondent and News Editor, The Associated Press, Cairo
Study Plan: Digital journalism training models
Eduardo Augusto Geraque
Reporter, Folha de São Paulo
Study Plan: Unsustainable cities
Samantha Henry
Multimedia Reporter, The Associated Press
Study Plan: Attracting immigrant entrepreneurs to revitalize cities
Tracy Jan
Reporter, The Boston Globe (Washington)
Study Plan: Morality and money in medicine
Larry Lage
Sports Writer, The Associated Press (Michigan)
Study Plan: Creating a platform to give deaf people access to media
Jason Margolis
Reporter, PRI's
Study Plan: Infrastructure innovations to deal with climate change
Helen Maynard
Weekend Manager, NewsOne, ABC News
Study Plan: Adjusting metro reporting to population loss
Gerry Mullany
Asia Editor, nytimes.com
Study Plan: Asian history and culture
Maria Natalia Ortega
Editorial Director, Carvajal Información (Bogota)
Study Plan: Vertical publications: opportunities for Latin American journalism
Hae-young Park
Industry Reporter, The Korea Economic Daily
Study Plan: America's manufacturing renaissance
Sergio Rangel
Senior Sports Journalist, Folha de São Paulo
Study Plan: Betting and match-fixing in sports
Steffanie Riess
Producer and Reporter, ZDF (German TV, based in Washington)
Study Plan: Understanding trends in media consumption
Eric M. Strauss
Producer, 20/20, ABC News
Study Plan: Giving voice to the voiceless through digital storytelling
Abbie Fentress Swanson
Reporter, Harvest Public Media, and KBIA Radio (Missouri)
Study Plan: More meat: environmental impacts of growing global demand
Robert Wildeboer
Criminal and Legal Affairs Reporter, WBEZ (Chicago)
Study Plan: American criminal justice and science
Joanne Will
Freelance Writer and Columnist, The Globe and Mail (Toronto)
Study Plan: The responsibilities of fossil-fuel exporting jurisdictions