Michael Brennan
Business Reporter, The Herald (Everett, WA)
Study Plan: Japanese versus American manufacturing methods
Candy Cooper
Reporter, San Francisco Examiner
Study Plan: Women, institutions and public policy
John Costa
Deputy Managing Editor, St. Petersburg Times
Study Plan: American community structure
David Farrell
Reporter, The Detroit News
Study Plan: African culture and history
Nicholi (Nickie) Flynn
Reporter, Wichita Eagle
Study Plan: Psychology of change
Herbert Frazier
Senior Writer, The Post and Courier (Charleston, SC)
Study Plan: Self-segregation among African Americans
Sari Kristiina Hallman
Staff Journalist, Kauppalehti (Helsinki, Finland)
Study Plan: Business and economic studies, management and psychology
David Hanners
Special Projects Writer, The Dallas Morning News
Study Plan: The media and capital punishment
Sherry Howard
Edputy National Editor, The Philadelphia Inquirer
Study Plan: The elderly and U.S. social systems
William Laitner
Health and Fitness Writer, Detroit Free Press
Study Plan: Improving medical coverage
Myeong-Ho Mun
???, ???
Study Plan: Reformists of Russia, the Soviet Union and the commonwealth of Independent States
Mike Pearson
Arts Editor, Rocky Mountain News (Denver)
Study Plan: Writing and photography
Victor Solis
Producer, NBS News (Madrid)
Study Plan: Interpreting Europe
James Tyson Jr.
China Correspondent, Christian Science Monitor
Study Plan: Freedom versus order in the post-communist world