Frank Browning
Senior West Coast Reporter, NPR
Study Plan: Consequences of demographic upheaval, especially Asian and Hispanic immigration, on American culture
Stephen Frank
Feature Writer, Times Union and Knickerbocker News (Albany, NY)
Study Plan: American and European history and literature; social psychology; the Holocaust of World War II
Frank Gibson
City Editor, The Tennessean (Nashville)
Study Plan: American history, literature, law, sociology and anthropology
Sandra Gregg
Metropolitan Reporter, The Washington Post
Study Plan: Public health, medical care and finance; recent American, African and European history and literature
Samuel Hodges
State Legislative Reporter, United Press International (Columbia, SC)
Study Plan: American history, literature and constitutional law; the Middle East, Spanish
Dean Jensen
Art Critic and Feature Writer, Milwaukee Sentinel
Study Plan: Art history, architecture, literature and classical mythology
Jae-Pil Jo
Reporter for International News, Yonhap News Agency (Seoul)
Study Plan: American and Soviet military strategies in East Asia since World War II
Kazuo Kawanishi
Staff Writer, Mainichi Shimbun (Tokyo)
Study Plan: American culture and economics, with emphasis on the American-Japanese economic relationship
James Kindall
Staff Writer, Star Magazine (Kansas City)
Study Plan: English history, literature and journalism of the late 18th century with emphasis on the role of John Wilkes
Suzanne Lagoni
News Director, KPAX-TV (Missoula, MT)
Study Plan: American history and literature, media law, Asian studies with emphasis on China and Japan, environmental studies
Carolyn Ness
Assistant Metropolitan Editor, The San Francisco Examiner
Study Plan: Factors in social change, including American attitudes toward the roles of women, history, political science, psychology
Robert Press
Southeast Bureau Chief, The Christian Science Monitor
Study Plan: Recent U.S. foreign policy, modern European history, Third World politics, world religions
Melinda Quitos De Jesus
Associate Editor and Columnist, Veritas (Quezon City, Philippines)
Study Plan: US policy in Southeast Asia; political and cultural history of Southeast Asia and the Philippines
N.V. Raman
Associate Editor, The Star (Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia)
Study Plan: International relations, politics and technology, political systems of Southeast Asia, Third World journalism
James Ricci
Feature Writer, Detroit Free Press
Study Plan: Literature with emphasis on the modern novel and short story; creative and critical writing
Kathie Smith
Agribusiness Reporter, The Modesto Bee (California)
Study Plan: Literature, with emphasis on American literature since the 1920’s; art and music appreciation