Catalin Dimofte
Reporter, Adevarul Economic (Bucharest)
Study Plan: Management, TQM, Environment
Marilee Enge
Reporter, Anchorage Daily News
Study Plan: Anthropology, history, law and creative writing
Jack Fischer
Staff Writer, San Jose Mercury News
Study Plan: The American press and the limits of public discourse
Daniel Froomkin
Education Reporter, Orange County Register
Study Plan: Fragmented communities finding common ground and the role of newspapers
Merrill Goozner
Tokyo Bureau Chief, Chicago Tribune
Study Plan: China studies and Mandarin language
Loretta Hieber
Producer, Swiss Radio International
Study Plan: Worldwide refugee crisis
David Hilzenrath
Reporter, The Washington Post
Study Plan: How do economic, political, legal and social forces influence the course of biotechnology and genetic medicine?
Laurentiu Ilie
Editor and Publisher, Bursa (Bucharest)
Study Plan: Business studies
Leoneda Inge-Barry
Reporter and Anchor, WTMJ (Milwaukee)
Study Plan: Environmental problems facing large urban areas
Terril Jones
Paris Correspondent, The Associated Press
Study Plan: China as an emerging economy, with the automobile industry a case in point
Elizabeth Kastor
Staff Writer, The Washinton Post
Study Plan: Child psychology and children's issues; photography
Elizabeth Kavetas
Producer, Dateline, NBC News
Study Plan: Educational and behavioral psychology and women's studies
Vitor Paolozzi
Executive Producer, Bandeirantes TV (São Paulo)
Study Plan: Electoral marketing processes: America versus Brazil
Monica Pons
Freelance Journalist, Madrid
Study Plan: Cultural meanings of broadcast media in a academic setting
Randolph Smith
Business Writer and Columnist, Philadelphia Daily News
Study Plan: The relationship between federal spending and personal finance
Byoung-soo Sohn
Reporter, (Seoul)
Study Plan: Money and banking in the US
Tom Stanton
Editor and Publisher, The Voice Publications (MI)
Study Plan: US history, constitutional issues, war and peace and presidential campaigns
Tim Wendel
Editor, USA Today Baseball Weekly
Study Plan: The gospel and the games: when religion and sports collide