Henry Allen
Staff Writer, The Washington Post
Study Plan: Male identity in our society – anthropology, sociology, psychology, cultural values
Morris Ambrose
Assistant City Editor, Knickerbocker News (Albany, NY)
Study Plan: American history, political philosophy and theory
Frank Coakley
MAnaging Editor, The Evanston Review (IL)
Study Plan: Law
Maryanne Conheim
Staff Writer, Detroit Free Press
Study Plan: Urban aesthetics and culture, art history, architecture and urban planning
Lawrence DeVine
Drama Critic, Detroit Free Press
Study Plan: Culture of the theatre – history, literature, and productions
Kelwin Gilbert
Environment and Energy Reporter, The Evening Sun (Baltimore)
Study Plan: Problems of the environment – federal laws; history, philosophy, political theory
Peter Hahn
Foreign Affairs Editor, Magyar (Budapest)
Study Plan: International relations, political science and the American press
Lawrence Johnson
Music and Arts Writer, The Milwaukee Sentinel
Study Plan: Music, aesthetic philosophy, twentieth-century drama
Tim Klass
Reporter, The Associated Press
Study Plan: Law, problems of education, art history, music, fiction and poetry
Tom Korzeniowski
Reporter, WJBK-TV (Detroit, MI)
Study Plan: American studies – Black studies, history of the labor movement American social philosophy
Wesley Pippert
Reporter, United Press International
Study Plan: Moral aspects of the public issues – ethics, political theory, development of religion in the United States
Calvin Wasson
Reporter, KAIT-TV (Jonesboro, AK)
Study Plan: Non-urban educational systems, rural sociology and religion