David Ashenfelter
Investigative Reporter, Detroit Free Press
Study Plan: Newsroom management and human relations
Sung-Hyo Chang
Economics and Business News Reporter, Joong-Ang Daily News (Seoul)
Study Plan: The economic relationship between Korea and the United States
Benjamin Davis
Executive Producer, National Public Radio
Study Plan: International relations
Kyoko Gasha Shimizu
Economics Reporter, Chanel 12-TV (Tokyo)
Study Plan: American volunteer spirit
Lakshman Gunasekara
Deputy Features Editor/Columnist, The Island (Colombo, Sri Lanka)
Study Plan: Social anthropology, mass communication and political science
Joanne Jacobs
Columnist and Editorial Writer, San Jose Mercury News
Study Plan: Intellectual history
Holman Jenkins, Jr.
Staff Writer, Insight Magazine
Study Plan: The economics of Sub-Saharan Africa
Veronica Jennings
Staff Writer, The Washington Post
Study Plan: Criminal law and the U.S. court system
Rebecca Kolberg
MEdical Reporter, United Press International
Study Plan: Human genetics
Camilo Lourenco
Editor and Main Staff Reporter, Proinfec, LDA (Lisbon)
Study Plan: The influence of the central bank on inflation in developed countries
Susan Manuel
Staff Writer, Honolulu Star-Bulletin
Study Plan: Middle East politics
Marcelo Mendonca
Special Reporter, Folha de São Paulo
Study Plan: International relations
David Postman
Capital Reporter, Anchorage Daily News
Study Plan: The settlement of the American West
Ivan Roman
Reporter, El Nuevo Herald (Miami)
Study Plan: Latin American economics and trade
Helen White
Reporter, Asian Wall Street Journal
Study Plan: The new world economic order
Don Williams
Columnist and Feature Writer, Knoxville News-Sentinel
Study Plan: Environmental issues and alternative economic strategies for underdeveloped regions of the United States
Marco della Cava
Feature Writer, USA Today
Study Plan: The history of racial strife in America