Lisa Armstrong
Multimedia Journalist and Associate Professor, Craig Newmark Graduate School of Journalism
Study Plan: Lisa Armstrong, a Knight-Wallace Reporting Fellow, published stories on Covid-19 in correctional facilities for The Marshall Project.
Sindya Bhanoo
Independent Reporter, The New York Times, The Washington Post
Study Plan: Sindya Bhanoo, a Knight-Wallace Reporting Fellow, published stories on distance learning and inequality in public schools for Mission Local and Texas Monthly.
Valeria Collazo CaƱizares
Independent Investigative Journalist, Telemundo
Study Plan: Valeria Collazo CaƱizares, a Knight-Wallace Reporting Fellow, produced a documentary on natural disasters, Covid-19, and the ensuing water crisis in Puerto Rico for Telemundo.
Alissa Figueroa
Senior Editor and Producer, Type Investigations
Study Plan: Alissa Figueroa, a Knight-Wallace Reporting Fellow, produced a documentary on police reform and community relations in Baltimore five years after the death of Freddie Gray for Type Investigations.
Mya Frazier
Investigative Business Journalist, Bloomberg Businessweek, Columbia Journalism Review
Study Plan: Mya Frazier, a Knight-Wallace Reporting Fellow, published work on the impact of the economic crisis on the working poor for The New York Times.
Ted Genoways
Contributing Writer, Mother Jones and The New Republic
Study Plan: Ted Genoways, a Knight-Wallace Reporting Fellow, reported on food security and worker safety on the front lines of the pandemic.
Mario Koran
Contributing Reporter, The Guardian US
Study Plan: Mario Koran, a Knight-Wallace Reporting Fellow, published stories on barriers to learning in three marginalized school districts in Wisconsin upended by the pandemic for The Guardian US.
J. Lester Feder
Independent Journalist, Buzzfeed News, Politico
Study Plan: J. Lester Feder, a Knight-Wallace Reporting Fellow, reported on inequality and the transformation of the cities and suburbs of the Midwest.
Chris Outcalt
Independent Journalist, The Atlantic, The Atavist Magazine, Wired, The California Sunday Magazine
Study Plan: Chris Outcalt, a Knight-Wallace Reporting Fellow, reported on the powerful forces behind medical fraud for The Atlantic.
Mazin Sidahmed
Co-Executive Director, Documented
Study Plan: Mazin Sidahmed, a Knight-Wallace Reporting Fellow, reported on the role of local police in federal immigration enforcement for Documented.
Nicholas St. Fleur
Independent Science Reporter, STAT
Study Plan: Nicholas St. Fleur, a Knight-Wallace Reporting Fellow, reported on racial bias in science, health and medicine for a new beat for STAT.