Tommy Andres
Senior Special Projects Producer, Marketplace, American Public Media
Study Plan: Utilizing transmedia production models to craft a single narrative storytelling experience across platforms
Ana Avila
Deputy Director, Newsweek en Español (Mexico City, Mexico)
Study Plan: Measuring, tracking and documenting threats and dangers to Mexican journalists for safer newsroom practices
Niala Boodhoo
Host and Executive Producer, “The 21st,” Illinois Public Media
Study Plan: Developing a sustainable, replicable business plan for local news podcasts
Maria Byrne
Senior Producer, BBC News (Brussels, Belgium)
Study Plan: Expanding coverage of China’s growing ambitions in the world
Jacob Carah
Investigative Reporter and Producer, “Frontline"
Study Plan: Developing new visual design through data analysis, coding and documentary film
Janet H. Cho
Independent Business Journalist, The Plain Dealer (Cleveland, Ohio) and others
Study Plan: How words and images influence public perception about immigrants and U.S. immigration policy
Chantel Jennings
Senior Writer, The Athletic
Study Plan: Forging editorial partnerships between local news organizations and college newsrooms
Tracie Mauriello
Washington Bureau Chief, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
Study Plan: Experimentation with points of view and narration techniques in literary journalism
Maurício Meireles
Reporter and Columnist, Folha de São Paulo (São Paulo, Brazil)
Study Plan: Digital approaches to covering arts and culture
Marielba Núñez
Writer, Editor and Regional Coordinator, Crónica Uno (Caracas, Venezuela)
Study Plan: New narrative strategies to report on the changing identities of migrants
Karen Rouse
Reporter, WNYC News, New York Public Radio
Study Plan: Improving strategies for newsrooms to recruit and develop journalists from underrepresented groups for long term success and leadership
Jet Schouten
Reporter, ICIJ and AVROTROS Public Broadcasting TV (Amsterdam, The Netherlands)
Study Plan: Deepening the understanding of truth and news in constructive journalism
Kwang Young Shin
Head of the Criminal Justice Team, Dong-A Ilbo (Seoul, South Korea)
Study Plan: Using digital storytelling to maximize the reach of Korea’s legacy media
Patrick Symmes
Contributing Editor, Harper’s Magazine, Outside and others
Study Plan: A comparative study of authoritarianism and its influence on the press
Eileen Truax
Author and Reporter, The New York Times Edición Español
Study Plan: Developing global connections, shared networks and resources for journalists covering migration
Elodie Vialle
Head of the Journalism and Technology Desk, Reporters Without Borders (Paris, France)
Study Plan: Building tools and training to counter online harassment and threats against female journalists
Elliott Woods
Independent Writer and Photographer, Texas Monthly, The Guardian and others
Study Plan: Covering ongoing wars in an age of media contraction and declining military service rates