Cynthia Barnett
Reporter, Florida Trend Magazine
Study Plan: History of the United States' water supply
Bora Bayraktar
Correspondent, CNN Türk (Istanbul)
Study Plan: The Israeli-Palestinian conflict after Arafat
Alden Bourne
Producer, 60 Minutes, CBS News
Study Plan: Lobbyists and the legislative process
Sergio Danishewski
Sports Editor, Clarín (Buenos Aires)
Study Plan: Jewish Diaspora in the Arab-Israeli conflict
William Duryea
General Assignment Reporter, St. Petersburg Times
Study Plan: How the public and the media shape democracy
Scott Elliott
Education Reporter, Dayton Daily News
Study Plan: The business and economis of charter schools
Faye Flam
Staff Science Writer, The Philadelphia Inquirer
Study Plan: Brain physiology and persona identity
Maria Fleet
Senior Producer, CNN
Study Plan: The impact of war on journalistic ethics in America
Alfred Hermida
Technology Editor, BBC
Study Plan: Blogging as a phenomenon in China
Mi-Seok Koh
Assistant Editor of Arts and Entertainment, DongA Ilbo (Seoul)
Study Plan: Sunday editions of American newspapers and their prospect for the future
Frank Lockwood
Faith and Values Reporter, Lexington Herald Leader
Study Plan: The Pentecostal movement in the United States
Alicia McCarthy
Senior Broadcast Journalist, BBC
Study Plan: The impact of terrorism on media, politics and people
Otesa Middleton Miles
Reporter, Dow Jones Newswire
Study Plan: Mental illness
Melissa Preddy
Personal Finance Editor, The Detroit News
Study Plan: Financial anthropology
Stephanie Reitz
Reporter, Hartford Courant
Study Plan: The social implications of elderly drivers
Matthias Schepp
Asia Bureau Chief, Der Stern Magazine (Germany)
Study Plan: The perception of the decay of communism in the Western media
Christine Tanaka
Managing Editor, XETV (San Diego)
Study Plan: Indian gaming
Jason Tanz
Senior Editor, Fortune Small Business
Study Plan: Artificial intelligence