Richard Cooper
Reporter, The Philadelphia Inquirer
Study Plan: Municipal management and finance
David Green
Projects Editor, Lexington Herald-Leader
Study Plan: Religious influence on national and international affairs
Peter Kareithi
Editor-in-Chief, Financial Review (Nairobi, Kenya)
Study Plan: Foreign and economic policy
Janet Kolodzy
Writer and Editor, CNN
Study Plan: Culture and history of Eastern Europe
Michael Lewis
Writer and Producer, WDIC Channel 4-TV (NBC, Detroit)
Study Plan: Effects of the foreign press on changes in Eastern Europe
Harris Meyer
Senior Editor, American Medical News
Study Plan: How societies can help people become healthier
Bill Mitchell
Cartoonist, Democrat and Chronicle and Times-Union (Rochester, NY)
Study Plan: Visual media, philosophy and ethics
Di Peng
Professor, College of Journalism of China
Study Plan: Sino-U.S. Relations
Lisanne Renner
Assistant Metro Editor, Orlando Sentinel
Study Plan: Preservation of environmentally endangered land
Jai-Kyu Sun
Reporter, Yonhap News Agency (Seoul)
Study Plan: International politics and computer science
Nicholas Tatro
Jerusalem Bureau Chief, Associated Press
Study Plan: Roots and limits of people power
Wilda Wahpepah
Reporter, The Oregonian (Portland)
Study Plan: Native American studies and public policy
Wendy White
Reporter, Investor's Business Daily
Study Plan: International relations and trade
Jorgen de Mylius
Writer, Danish TV and Radio
Study Plan: Film writing and production