Vicki A. Barker
Radio Correspondent, United Press International
Study Plan: History and art
James K. Bock
Mexico City Correspondent, The Baltimore Sun
Study Plan: Modern history and public policy
A. Kathleen Durbin
Reporter, The Oregonian (Portland)
Study Plan: Health care and workplace issues
Cathy L. Grossman
Feature Writer, The Miami Herald
Study Plan: Religion and American life
Randolph Hilman
Business Writer, The Tennessean (Nashville)
Study Plan: Land use and urban planning
Seiichi Kanise
Staff Writer, Agence France Presse (Tokyo)
Study Plan: American heroes and the American masses
Jum-Dong Kim
Assistant City Editor, The Korea Times (Seoul)
Study Plan: Pacific Rim security issues
Michael A. Moscardini
Deputy Metropolitan Editor, St. Petersburg Times (Florida)
Study Plan: Russian and JApanese history and economics
Mireya Navarro
Reporter, The San Francisco Examiner
Study Plan: Business and economics
Geoffrey H. O'Gara
Reporter, Wyoming State Journal (Lander)
Study Plan: Latin American Studies; Spanish
Gary M. Pomerantz
Sports Reporter, The Washington Post
Study Plan: American social history
Paul Wallich
Associate Editor, Spectrum Magazine
Study Plan: Engineering Sociology
John T. Wark
Reporter, The Detroit News
Study Plan: The American success versus failure syndrome