Susan Ager
News-Feature and Lifestyle Reporter, The San Jose Mercury News
Study Plan: Problems of the aged
Barry Bearak
Staff Writer, The Miami Herald
Study Plan: International affairs with focus on Latin America
Thomas Bevier
Staff Writer, Detroit Free Press
Study Plan: Disenfranchisement in society
Nicolas Coleman
Reporter, Rochester Bureau, The Minneapolis Tribune
Study Plan: Religion – history, cultural and political
Bruce DeSilva
Medical Writer, The Providence Journal
Study Plan: Relations between medicine and law
John Fairhall
Reporter, The Sun Sentinel (Fort Lauderdale, FL)
Study Plan: National health insurance – history, philosophy, public health
Carole Halicki
Editorial Director, WRAU-TV (Peoria, IL)
Study Plan: Ancient Greece and modern parallels
Laurie Horn
Feature Writer, Broward Bureau, The Miami Herald
Study Plan: The dance and neighbor arts; socio-cultural history of 19th century Europe
Gerald Kato
Staff Writer, The Honolulu Advertiser
Study Plan: American history, Constitutional law and political science
Toby McIntosh
Reporter, Bureau of National Affairs (Washington, D.C.)
Study Plan: Social responsibilities of corporations
Richard Nadolski
Reporter, The Springfield Morning Union and Sunday Republican (Massachusetts)
Study Plan: Future prospects of man’s spiritual nature
Steven Small
Editor of Photography, The Columbian (Vancouver, WA)
Study Plan: The Soviet Union and its people
Jerry Telfer
News Photographer, The San Francisco Chronicle
Study Plan: Asian studies with relation to America’s newest minority