Louis Antosh
Reporter, The Philadelphia Bulletin
Study Plan: Changes in values in American life – philosophy and urban studies
Steven Dornfeld
Political Writer, The Minneapolis Tribune
Study Plan: Political campaign financing – history, philosophy, urban design and planning
Jay Gallagher
City Hall Reporter, The Rochester Times-Union
Study Plan: Urban studies – history, philosophy, urban design and planning
Frederic Hill
Paris Correspondent, The Baltimore Sun
Study Plan: American political history, Western European history and French literature
Thomas Kotynski
State House Reporter, The Great Falls Tribune (Helena, MT)
Study Plan: Environmental studies – history, anthropology, economics
Philip Langdon
Reporter, TheBuffalo Evening News
Study Plan: Urban studies – American urban history, architecture, urban planning
Patrick McGuire
Staff Reporter, The Denver Post
Study Plan: Philosophy, contemporary literature, modern history
Linda Megathlin
Executive Editor, The Evening News (Southbridge, MA)
Study Plan: Evolution of concept of success in American society – cultural history, literature and drama
Robert Nelson
Staff Writer, The Kansas City Star
Study Plan: Urban studies - history and development of U.S. cities
Judith Rousuck
Reporter, The Baltimore Sun
Study Plan: Impact of business and law on the arts – art history, law and management
Chris Segura
Assistant City Editor, The Times-Picayune (New Orleans)
Study Plan: Central American studies – art, music, literature and press, also geography and economics of area
Antonio Seva
News Director, GMA Radio/Television/Arts (Quezon City, Philippines)
Study Plan: History of the Middle East, urban planning, art history and music