Kenneth Dalecki
Washington Correspondent, Thomson Newspapers
Study Plan: Problems of government and its role – political science, philosophy, economics, law
Brian Flanigan
News Reporter, The Michigan Chronicle
Study Plan: Law and social psychology in relation to cities
Dezso Futasz
Staff Editor, Magya Nemzet (Budapest)
Study Plan: American history and politics of the late 1940’s and 1950’s
Larry D. Hatfield
Reporter, The San Francisco Examiner
Study Plan: Latin America - history, politics and economics
Allen Hundley
Assistant Director, Specialized Audience Programs, NPR
Study Plan: Philosophy of science, psychology of religion, traditional belief systems of Asia
Richard Lutz
Executive Producer, WQED (Pittsburgh, PA)
Study Plan: Public policy, value systems, quality of life
Anne Stanaway
Producer, WITF-TV (Hershey, PA)
Study Plan: American studies philosophy, literature, anthropology
John Stark
Assistant City Editor, El Paso Times
Study Plan: Culture and history of Mixico
Robert Swann
Chief Copy Editor, Baltimore News-American
Study Plan: Urban studies, social and economic problems of American life
Ronald Taylor
Environmental Reporter, Bureau of National Affairs (Washington, D.C.)
Study Plan: Natural resources development
George Waldman
Staff Photographer, The Detroit News
Study Plan: Urban affairs - history and culture
Kenneth Winter
Assistant General Manager, Petoskey News-Review (Michigan)
Study Plan: Relations between press and government – history and law
Anthony Wood
Reporter, United Press International (Philadelphia, PA)
Study Plan: Latin America – history, politics and economics