Barbara Abel
Reporter, Milwaukee Journal
Study Plan: American cultural and intellectual history; comparative world institutions
William Buzenberg
City Editor, Colorado Springs Sun
Study Plan: World politics, laws and international organizations
Stephen Cain
Staff Writer, The Detroit News
Study Plan: Structure of contemporary American society – cultural anthropology, history and philosophy
Michael Clary
Reporter, Akron Beacon Journal (Ohio)
Study Plan: The traditional work ethic – history, sociology, philosophy, psychology and contemporary literature
Kevin Lowther
Editorial Page Editor, Keene Sentinel (New Hampshire)
Study Plan: Literature of race relations
Richard Maschal
Cultural Affairs Reporter, Charlotte Observer
Study Plan: American cultural history
Dennis Montgomery
Correspondent, The Associated Press
Study Plan: Free trial vs. free press theory of law and history, political science and philosophy
Jerry Morton
Columnist and Editorial Writer, Battle Creek Enquirer (Michigan)
Study Plan: Rise of major religions in Middle East – comparative history, religion, and literature
Vivian Oates
Editor and Publisher, Towne Courier (East Lansing, MI)
Study Plan: Urban affairs American history, philosophy and sociology
Elizabeth Pond
Moscow Correspondent, Christian Science Monitor
Study Plan: American and British history
Soe Thein
Editor, The New Light of Burma Daily (Rangoon)
Study Plan: International relations and modern history, particularly postwar international economics and politics
Melba Tolliver
Reporter, WABC-TV (New York)
Study Plan: American history, black studies and feminist and black American literature
Daniel Wascoe
Metropolitan Affairs Reporter, Minneapolis Tribune
Study Plan: Urban affairs – historical, ecological, environmental and cultural aspects