Carolina Brunstein
Staff Writer, ClarÃn (Buenos Aires)
Study Plan: Racism and ethnic conflicts
Eun-ryung Chong
Culture Desk Reporter, DongA Ilbo (Seoul)
Study Plan: Internet reporting
Richard L. Colvin
Education Writer, Los Angeles Times
Study Plan: Education of children reared in traumatic conditions
Caroline Finnigan
Senior Producer, BBC World News
Study Plan: Origins of investigative and campaigning journalism in the U.S. and Britain
Andrea Guthmann
Associate Producer, WTTW-TV (Chicago)
Study Plan: Political aftermath of the Cold War-U.S. policy toward displaced populations
Susan Hooper
Staff Writer, The Honolulu Advertiser
Study Plan: Lessons from the Irish model of economic re-development
Debbie Howlett
Midwest Reporter, USA Today
Study Plan: Physical and psychological factors in the performance of female athletes and their potential superiority
Doug Johnson
Producer and On-Air Host, C-Span Networks
Study Plan: Social history of politics and religion
Eduardo Junqueira
Assistant Editor, Epoca (Brazil)
Study Plan: How journalism can play a role in education
Jason E. Kaufman
Freelance Writer, Cambridge, MA
Study Plan: Freedom of expression and modern art
Katie Kerwin
Detroit Bureau Chief, Businessweek Magazine
Study Plan: The reshaping of American business by the Internet
Richard Leiby
Staff Writer, The Washington Post
Study Plan: Applying literary techniques to investigative journalism
Jon Morgan
Sports-Business Writer, The Baltimore Sun
Study Plan: Public investment in private sports franchises
Milt Priggee
Editorial Cartoonist, The Spokesman Review (Spokane, WA)
Study Plan: Putting color, sound, animation and interactivity into graphic editorial commentary
Bruce Strong
Staff Photographer, The Orange County Register (CA)
Study Plan: Using history and the arts in journalism to improve community leadership
Patty Vila
Producer and Havana Bureau Manager, CNN
Study Plan: Freedom of the press in Latin America and the U.S.
Yumi Wilson
City Hall Reporter, San Francisco Chronicle
Study Plan: Campaign reform and its possibilities for success
Lenka Zlamalova
Reporter, Mafra Mlada Fronta Dnes (Prague)
Study Plan: Comparison of labor economy and wage polities between the Czech Republic and the U.S.