Application and Fellowship FAQs

Below are frequently asked questions about applying for our Knight-Wallace Fellowship.

Does Wallace House help Fellows find housing in Ann Arbor?

We recognize that relocating to a new town for the fellowship is a big consideration and we are committed to assisting Fellows with finding safe and comfortable housing. In the spring and early summer, we are in touch with university personnel planning sabbaticals and local landlords who have rented to past Fellows. We will assist with securing housing based on individual needs of the incoming Fellows.

When are the application deadlines for the fellowship?

  • Applications for U.S. journalists close on February 1.
  • Applications for international journalists (without U.S. passports) close on December 1.

Should I apply for the fellowship as a U.S. applicant or apply as an international applicant?

You should apply based on your citizenship.

  • If you are a U.S. citizen, apply as a U.S. applicant, even if you work in another country or for a non-U.S. journalism entity.
  • If you are not a U.S. citizen, apply as an international applicant, even if you work in the United States or for an American journalism entity. A Green Card is not the same as citizenship.
  • We sponsor J-1 visas for Fellows and J-2 visas for their legal spouses and dependent children. We can not assist in applying for any other types of visas for unmarried partners or non-dependent children. For more information, visit the university website to learn more about the J-1 visa process.
  • If you hold dual passports from the U.S. and another country and have questions about which application to submit, please email [email protected] with details of your citizenship and we will answer your questions.

Are international and U.S. applications for the fellowship the same? Why is the deadline earlier for international applicants? 

Typically, the fellowship deadline for international applications is earlier because of the length of the visa process for successful applicants. Also, because we require additional information from our international Fellows, the international application process is split into two parts. International applicants start by completing only phase one. We notify international applicants if they are required to submit additional information for phase two.

In the past, the Knight-Wallace Fellowship featured international trips. Is travel planned for the 2025-2026 fellowship class?

International travel is an integral part of our programming and the Knight-Wallace experience. We resumed international fellowship trips in the 2023-24 academic year. We continually evaluate safety conditions based on a range of factors in the countries we visit.

Do I need approval from my employer to apply for the fellowship?

We encourage applicants to work with their employers to help determine a course of study that benefits both the applicant and their news organization. For employers, supporting your fellowship can be an investment in your career development. We see the fellowship as a partnership to sharpen skills, broaden perspective, unleash creativity and develop leadership. Employer approval is not, however, required for consideration. 

How do I apply for one of the three new specialized fellowships?

Applicants for these three specialized fellowships—the Great Lakes Local News Fellowship, the James S. House and Wendy Fisher House Social Science Fellowship or the Arts Journalism Fellowship—will apply using our general application. Their application essays must address the specialty focus and requirements as outlined on our About page.

What do you look for in a journalism project?

For your journalism project, we want to know what you think a Knight-Wallace Fellowship could do for you at this stage in your career. In roughly 500 words, tell us what you hope to gain for yourself, your news organization or the field of journalism more broadly. Do your reporting. Spend some time familiarizing yourself with the University of Michigan and its many schools, departments and resources. We do not need to know the specific courses you would take but rather the academic areas and subjects you wish to pursue and/or the university resources that you plan to tap into. Be creative and authentic. Select a project that speaks to your goals and passions. Journalism projects can include but are not limited to, sharpening professional skills, addressing a challenge facing your newsroom, digging into data and research for a long-term reporting project or developing a journalism venture.

When will U.S. Fellows for the fellowship be selected?

Below is the timeline for our fellowship.

February 1
Early May
Late August

U.S. applications due
U.S. applicant finalists notified
Interviews for finalists held
Fellowship offers extended
Fellows move to Ann Arbor for fellowship orientation
Fall Semester begins

When will the international Fellows for the fellowship be selected?

Below is the international application timeline for our fellowship when offered.

December 1
Late August

International applications are due
Phase two invitations extended to international applicants
Interviews for international finalists
Fellowship offers extended
Fellows move to Ann Arbor for fellowship orientation
Fall Semester begins

May I continue to work if I am accepted for the Knight-Wallace Fellowship?

If accepted for the Knight-Wallace Fellowship, you will need to take a leave of absence from your work to focus on the fellowship and your journalism project. We understand that our Fellows may have work that is completed but not yet published when the academic year begins. That is fine. But the fellowship should be your primary professional focus and you may not accept any new assignments for the duration of the fellowship.

Also, we expect you to limit any regular or frequent professional work attached to your journalism (i.e., media commentary or analysis, blogging, speaking or promotional engagements).

I participated in the remote fellowship as a Knight-Wallace Reporting Fellow, am I eligible to apply for the traditional Knight-Wallace Fellowship?

Journalists selected for the Reporting Fellowship are eligible to apply for the traditional Knight-Wallace Fellowship.

Find FAQs about our Great Lakes Local News Fellowship here.

Next Steps

  1. Review preparing your international application or preparing your U.S. application.
  2. Fill out and submit application form. Application forms are hosted on the OpenWater web platform.

Application Form