
Recognizing the best journalists under 35 Livingston Awards University of Michigan

Entry forms to submit work published in 2024 are now closed.
The deadline to enter was Feburary 1, 2025.


There is no entry fee. Prize money is paid directly to the journalists, not the news organizations.

  • The work must appear in U.S.-controlled media. Entrants are not required to be U.S. citizens.

We understand the collaborative efforts of many projects. At the same time, our objective is to recognize outstanding journalists under the age of 35. To ensure this, the clear majority of the reporting and writing for the submitted work should be the efforts of journalists under the age of 35. If the entry involves the work of others over the age of 34, a detailed description of the work responsibilities, breakdown and percentage of work each team member contributed to the project can be provided on the entry form.

What to Prepare

Entry Information

PDF Uploads and URL Links

Text and Data Visualization Entries

Video and Audio Entries

URL Paywall

Summary of Entry

You will be asked to summarize what the entry piece or series is about in no more than 65 words. The summary will not be part of the judging, rather this is to provide the program administration and the judges with a quick, succinct summary of the entry story.

Outcome or Results of the Reporting

The entry form includes an optional field to include information in 65 words or fewer about the outcome or any significant results of the reporting for the submitted work.

Cover Letter Field

Cover letters are not required and are not passed on to the judges. However, there is a field available to upload cover letters for entrants who still wish to submit one.

Contact Information

You will be asked to enter the contact information of the entrant, editor (print, online and data visualization entries) or senior producer (video and audio entries), and contest coordinator (if applicable). If the entry has multiple bylines, all entrants must meet the age criteria.

Proof of Age

You will be asked to confirm that as of December 31, 2024, the entrant(s) is younger than 35 years of age. Finalists will be notified by April 1, 2025. At that time, a copy of a current U.S. driver’s license, birth certificate or passport identification page will be required.


For Contest Coordinators

There is no limit to the number of entries that a media organization can submit, provided that they enter only one entry per reporter.

To submit multiple entries for a media organization:

  1. Create an online account. You can save your information and return to the entry form at any time before your final submission.
  2. Complete the entry for your first candidate.
  3. Return to the online application link and repeat the entry process.

For questions about the Livingston Awards rules or entry process, email [email protected].

Next Step

Fill out and submit the entry form.